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Color in Winter Art Show & Sale

Newtown Municipal Art Gallery 6 Primrose Street, Newtown

Original work in the following media: watercolor, oil, acrylic, pastel, graphics, mixed media and printmaking. Weekdays from 8AM to 4:30PM.  Later hours on days  when Municipal meetings are held. All are welcome and admission is free.

Transformers: Rise of the Beast

Edmond Town Hall 45 Main Street, Newtown

All tickets: $4.00. Thanks to Ingersoll Auto of Danbuey Optimus Prime and the Autobots team up with a down on his luck young man, an aspiring historian and with a…

“Twisters” PG 13 movie

Edmond Town Hall 45 Main Street, Newtown

all ticktes: $4.00 at https://www.edmondtownhall.org/movies/ Haunted by a devastating encounter with a tornado, Kate Cooper gets lured back to the open plains by her friend, Javi, to test a groundbreaking…

“A Painting a Day”

During the month of February SCAN will be doing a painting a day with its members.  Please join in with your art and view what other SCAN members have shared…