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Color in Winter Art Show & Sale
Newtown Municipal Art Gallery 6 Primrose Street, NewtownOriginal work in the following media: watercolor, oil, acrylic, pastel, graphics, mixed media and printmaking. Weekdays from 8AM to 4:30PM. Later hours on days when Municipal meetings are held. All are welcome and admission is free.
Transformers: Rise of the Beast
Edmond Town Hall 45 Main Street, NewtownAll tickets: $4.00. Thanks to Ingersoll Auto of Danbuey Optimus Prime and the Autobots team up with a down on his luck young man, an aspiring historian and with a…
“Harold & the Purple Crayon” PG movie
Edmond Town Hall 45 Main Street, NewtownTayed: PG; ticktes: $ 4.00 Inside his book, adventurous Harold can make anything come to life simply by drawing it. After he grows up and draws himself off the book's…